Previous to his current position at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Jay Johannigman served in the military as a Colonel in the United States Army Reserves and a surgeon. Dr. Jay Johannigman was integral is the establishment of the C-Stars, a military program that enables medical facilities in large cities to train military medical personnel to be prepared to deal with the complications that are a part of trauma care.
C-Stars focus is primarily on readiness and trauma. The program works by integrating Air Force providers within hospitals that treat a high volume of trauma. Because military medical personnel is a part of the fighting force, they have to become familiar with dealing with severely injured soldiers in a high-pressure environment. This relationship the military has developed with civilian hospitals will prepare military medical personnel when they are deployed.
According to an article written about the C-Stars program based in Baltimore, Maryland, the first few minutes are critical for a trauma patient-regardless of the injury. Moreover, preparing military personnel to work in trauma care centers is critical to the care of a soldier in the middle of a war zone might receive.